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Hardy Autum Sedums

Topiary Salix Flamingo Trees
Pink Salix willow flamingo Trees
5.5-6ft £35
Hardy trees
5.5-6ft £35
Hardy trees


Fatsia spiders Web
Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web' is a tough reliable shrub with handsome lobed green foliage dusted with white. It’s perfect for lighting up a shady corner of the garden and the bold foliage adds a tropical note to planting. Perfect for sun or shade.
Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web' is a tough reliable shrub with handsome lobed green foliage dusted with white. It’s perfect for lighting up a shady corner of the garden and the bold foliage adds a tropical note to planting. Perfect for sun or shade.

Mondo Black Grass
If you want a dramatic groundcover, try landscaping with black mondo grass. What is black mondo grass? It is a low-growing perennial plant with purplish-black, grass-like leaves. In proper sites, the little plants spread, forming a carpet of unique color and foliage.
Black mondo grass care is simple and straightforward. They need regular water to get established and weekly thereafter for optimum growth. If planted in rich soil, they won’t need fertilizing but every couple of years in spring.
If you want a dramatic groundcover, try landscaping with black mondo grass. What is black mondo grass? It is a low-growing perennial plant with purplish-black, grass-like leaves. In proper sites, the little plants spread, forming a carpet of unique color and foliage.
Black mondo grass care is simple and straightforward. They need regular water to get established and weekly thereafter for optimum growth. If planted in rich soil, they won’t need fertilizing but every couple of years in spring.

Horsetail is a non-flowering evergreen perennial. It has vertical green stems with horizontal bands similar to bamboo, but they're skinnier and taller like ornamental grass. Similar to ferns, horsetail reproduces through spores rather than seeds, as well as underground rhizomes.
Can be invasive so best in pots. Needs plenty of watering. It also makes a good pond plant.
Horsetail is a non-flowering evergreen perennial. It has vertical green stems with horizontal bands similar to bamboo, but they're skinnier and taller like ornamental grass. Similar to ferns, horsetail reproduces through spores rather than seeds, as well as underground rhizomes.
Can be invasive so best in pots. Needs plenty of watering. It also makes a good pond plant.

Fatsia Spiders web
4-4.5ft £65

Pinus wallichiana Tree.
Rare Pinus wallichiana Tree
Bhutan Pine 5-6ft £89
Fully Hardy
Bhutan Pine 5-6ft £89
Fully Hardy

White Bleeding hearts plants
2l pots
White Bleeding hearts perennial plants
2l pots
White Bleeding hearts perennial plants

Pink Bleeding hearts perennial plants ON SALE
2l pots
shade loving, hardy perennial plant
2l pots
shade loving, hardy perennial plant
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