Plant Care
Tropical plants, Cordylines & Yuccas...
Strelitzia Nicolai
The Bird of Paradise loves bright sunlight, including direct sunlight.
It's important to keep the soil moist at all times on your Bird of Paradise. The plants has huge leaves, through which it loses a lot of moisture. During the spring and summer you will have to water your plant about twice per week. These plants are indoor plants or outdoor summer plants.
During the fall and winter, when your Strelitzia becomes dormant and doesn't use as much energy to grow, you can water less as well. You should still make sure the soil is moist all the time, but you can water a little less: about once per week.
When you're watering your Bird of Paradise, make sure not to water too much. This plant doesn't like to sit in wet soil and this will cause root rot over time

Yucca Rostrata
A very low maintenance Yucca. Grow Yucca Rostrata in well-drained soil in full sun. Remove dead leaves for tidiness, but otherwise there’s no need to prune. Although hardy, it may need winter protection in cooler regions.
Yucca Elephantipes
Yucca Elephantipes are a wonderfully architectural plants with sword-shaped leaves. Yuccas do thrive in a hot, sunny position. It isn’t completely hardy so will require protection over winter. Fleece or hessian provides suitable winter protection. You can also grow these as a house or conservatory plant as well as outside to great effect.
Don't to allow the plant to become waterlogged.
Green Cordylines are the hardiest and require minimal winter protection and do well in costal regions.
If you live in a colder region of the UK or garden on an exposed site, your cordyline may need some extra winter protection, mainly it variegated. In addition to tying up the foliage, it may be necessary to wrap the plant in fleece.

Echium Pininana
Water after planting to help your plants establish (get their roots down into the soil). Once established they are fairly drought tolerant and should not require frequent watering. However, on very free-draining soil or during prolonged hot dry spells, they may need additional water to support healthy growth. Aim to keep the soil slightly moist, but not soggy.
Echium do not like to sit in wet soil, so there can be a risk of overwatering. Too much water could be a problem in colder months when the plant is not actively growing. A shelter to keep the soil around the Echium dry might be necessary in wet winters.
If you grow Echium in containers, they can be moved to a light, frost-free place to protect them from the cold and wet during bad winter, alternatively they can be wrapped in fleece.