Perfect for a sunny garden. Most Colocasia's are tender and also make great house plants and marginal pond plants. Colocasia pink china and gaoligongensis can be over wintered in the garden by mulching over them.

A giant stunning addition to any Tropical garden thriving in part to full shade, but in my garden growing well in full sun. In winter cut the l eaves of, cover in straw then pile the leaves on top in a pile to cover it from harsh frosts.

Most umbrella plants are tender and make good house plants but there are some exceptions that can make a lush exotic canopy in a tropical garden. Some hardy hardy sheffleras are Schefflera Taiwaniana, Rhododendrifolia, Alpina, Macrophylla and Delavayii.

Ginger lilies are very showy looking plants with exotic flowers. Some need winter protection whilst hardy gingers can be over wintered in the garden in the UK by mulching over them, See our page on hardy gingers.

Canna lily
Some species of canna lilies can reach to around 2m tall. Cannas are vibrant tender perennials. In winter you can mulch over in the garden or dry store the bulbs.

Agapanthus grown really well in full sun and come as dwarf plants to giants that can grow up to 5-6ft. Some are perennials but some are tender and need mulching over in winter of dry storing.

Hibiscus plants look very exotic. Some plants are tender and need to be warm in winter but some species are hardy in the UK like Hibiscus Syriacus (Rose of Sharon).

A large, fast-growing shrub or small tree to about 5m high, producing a thicket of upright stems topped by very large, deeply lobed green leaves up to 1m across. Creamy pompoms of flowers are produced in large sprays in autumn, followed by black fruit.
Whilst some yuccas are tender there are plenty that can with stand the cold winters in the UK. They can add structure to a garden or be kept in a pot. Thriving in full sun these spikey stunners are a must.